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How to Get Long, Healthy Hair

Writer's picture: Adrienne WalshAdrienne Walsh

Have you ever made an impulse decision while scrolling cute bob-cuts on Pinterest and actually went through with the chop... and now you have all the regrets? Same girl, same.

What do you do now to get that glorious length back? It might sound crazy, but regular hair trims. I know you're like, what? I want to grow my hair out, not cut it shorter? Regular trimming won't actually help your hair grow faster but it will help your hair from developing split ends and damage that will make your hair shorter and shorter. If you don't get regular trims, your hair will grow and inch, break half an inch, grow another inch, break an inch. Have you heard people say "well I feel my hair grows to this length and then just stops"? That's why.

Shampoo your scalp, condition your ends. I can't say this enough, shampoo is for your scalp NOT for your ends. You always want to shampoo twice - once to break up product and dirt, and a second time to remove oils and buildup. Condition your ends and let it soak in for a few minutes (great time to shave your legs ladies!), to allow moisture back into the hair cuticle, creating shine and all the nutrients it needs to grow!

I know hair naturally is not very appealing and can be quite unruly, but less heat tools and damage on your hair is always a good idea. I always feel I need to run a straightener through it or something to smooth the frizz, but less heat equals less damage. Try throwing your hair in braids and add some extra conditioner in before you braid it. If you have to use heat tools, try using it once a week, curling your hair once and try to wear it out for a couple days.

Condition, condition, condition. Masks, masks, masks. Your hair LOVES moisture, give it what it wants and it'll give you what you want, healthy length. Hair masks are amazing for your hair. Read through my previous blogs if you're wondering how to use masks or which one is best for your type of hair!

Another tip is investing in a silk pillow case. It allows your hair to not be tugged and ripped while sleeping. I've heard horror stories of clients who were growing their hair out and tried everything over the moon, but didn't realize that it was their pillow case that was causing the breakage. As soon as they switched, boom, the hair started growing! Trust me, it works!

Make sure you're eating the right vitamins for healthy hair growth. Omega-3's are very good for healthy hair growth. I have heard of some "hair gummies", but contact your doctor first before taking anything just to be safe! A balanced diet always helps, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, and protein (which is what your hair is made of) are so good for you!

The main thing is patience. Patience is key. Your hair can only grow so fast, so just give it a little TLC (tender loving care) and enjoy each stage! Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be glad to answer them!

Til next time, xo.

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